About Madinah

Madinah grew up in the 26th district, where she lives with her family. She attended Gauger-Cobbs Middle School and graduated from the Charter School of Wilmington. Madinah is an alumna of the University of Delaware and holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Asian Studies. In 2022, Madinah earned a Masters of Arts in Urban Affairs and Public Policy from the Joseph R. Biden Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration. She has formally studied Arabic, Chinese, French, and Spanish.
While at the University of Delaware, Madinah was actively involved in several campus organizations where she held leadership positions, including the Muslim Student Association, Students for Justice in Palestine, and her sorority Lambda Pi Chi.
She worked for two years as a legislative fellow in the state legislature, and an additional year as a legislative aide for the 26th and 27th districts. In this capacity, she communicated with residents and helped them with a variety of issues. This experience gave her first-hand exposure to the issues and concerns of her fellow community members.
Currently, Madinah serves as State Representative for the 26th District full-time.